Sunday, November 22, 2015


"You were made . . . for just such a time as this."
 (Esther 4:14)

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"That's just not right!  What's the world coming to these days? Someone should do something about that?"

This passage from Esther reminds us how our location and position in the world is no coincidence.  The Lord has a plan for each of us and has gifted us in unique ways to carry that plan out.  But ultimately, it depends on us to act -- to let our conscience be our guide and act on the courage of our convictions.

Yes, the world has a load of problems -- and then some.  And whether the deepest of the world's problems can fully be "solved" is a topic for further discussion.  But there is no question that leadership can change the color of any situation  and that the "someone" who should do "something" about "that" is likely you. 

So listen to that "still small voice,"  build up your resolve, and dive into the situation at hand, remembering that God doesn't call the prepared; He prepares the called.  Trust that and believe in that -- for you were made for just such a time as this.... 
Dear Lord,
Thank you for creating me with Your grand designs in mind.  Please help me to discern my place and my purpose in this world.   Then may I act confidently, knowing that, with You, I am never alone.  
For Your glory, Amen.  


  1. This is one of your best. Thanks for your courage in writing and sending to those of us who need the reminders.

  2. These words are so very powerful; what every leaders needs to hear now more than ever. Thank you Joe for providing voice and thought to give us all the COURAGE we have inside to listen to that little voice. Many blessings!

  3. Joe, this message has come at a perfect time for me in my personal and professional life. There are many areas in one's life that needs that special guidance of Courage and Love to help us through. Thank you Joe!

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your Family,


  4. Joe, you're being faithful with the little things. I admire that and for encouraging others.

  5. This is Dean Gorrell - Thank you for the post. To Joe and all the others who may read this - I recommend the book Just Mercy by Bryan Stevenson. If nothing else, encourage you all to read chapter 8, All God's Children. Encourage you all to then think of your role as it relates to justice....prepares the called indeed! Happy Thanksgiving everyone.
