Sunday, November 16, 2014

Letting Go of the Negative


"Finally, brothers, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable -- if anything is excellent or praiseworthy -- think about such things" (Philippians 4:8).

Image courtesy of

It is easy to get caught up in the dealings of the world, especially in those matters that tend to be contentious or negative. And even though such situations generally represent just a small fraction of our day, we can easily dwell on these above all others, stuck in some form of mental loop that plays over and over and over.

Surely, it is difficult to take charge of our minds, but this is what our Lord has asked us to do. And as this passage from Philippians asserts, a key means for doing this is to focus on the positive: the amazing creations of His mighty hand, the kind and loving act within the flurry of daily activity, the abundant blessings (large and small) that He reveals to us each and every day -- if only we are aware to take notice.

We are called to be light to a dark world. But we are not to dwell on the darkness. When we fixate on the negative, we miss opportunity to be agents of further good, while also sapping ourselves of some of the energy vital to making additional loving acts of kindness happen.

So deal justly with what comes your way. But then, with Your Maker's assistance, let it go, and focus on the positive. A little PMA (Positive Mental Attitude) can go a long way for you and for others -- brightening up your corner of the world in the process.


Dear Lord,
Thank you for the opportunity to serve Your Children and minister to their needs. In the process of daily meeting my life's purpose, please be with me in guidance and comfort and wisdom. When I am anxious, please remind me to cast my burdens on You, and then move on in faith and trust and hope -- knowing that, in You, the battle is already won, and the victory is already secure.
In Christ's name, I pray.  


  1. Awesome thoughts, Joe! So glad to 'hear' your voice again - keep writing!!

  2. Joe, I am so excited to read each post and see how this blog grows over time. This is desperately needed by our leaders. I appreciate the risk you are willing to take, and I hope to see an event created at some point around this idea. I'd be happy to help in any capacity. Good luck!
